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Expédition & retours
Vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques questions courantes sur l'expédition, les retours et les échanges.
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Des produits
Vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques questions courantes sur nos produits
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Wandering hours
This rotating satellite display shows the hours on discs that point to the minutes along an arc-shaped track from 3 to 9 o'clock. Originally created by the Campanus brothers for Pope Alexander XII in the 17th century, the concept involves a rotating arm with discs at the ends that display the current hour and point to the corresponding minutes. Historically featured in wall and table clocks by skilled watchmakers, this unique time display has recently been adapted for wristwatches.
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Displaced hours
Created by DWISS world’s first Watch Design Club, this unique design shifts the hour display to the outer ring of the dial. This positioning enhances the readability and visibility of the hours, making for a distinctive and functional time display.
Floating hours
This design uses a sapphire crystal disc to display the hours, creating an illusion that the hour indicator is floating above the dial. The unique feature adds depth and sophistication, enhancing the overall aesthetic of the watch.